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The Card Table

Good Food, Good Drinks, Good Times

The Card Table is a restaurant located inside the Sun Prairie Ice Arena in Sun Prairie, WI. The Card Table offers a family-friendly environment, casual yet creative food, and unique location.

This project presented a few unique challenges. The brand needed to be designed to attract a really wide range of customers. It was a fun challenge finding an aesthetic that hits that sweet spot between something that'd attract the typical rink-going clientele as well as the general public.

The Card Icon The Card Table Outdoor Image The Card Table Visual Lineup
The Card Table Outdoor Image

Menu Builder

The nature of daily specials, menu updates, special events, parties, and theme days made it essential to build the website in a way that'd allow the restaurant owners to add, remove, change, and reorder menu items, specials, and announcements on the fly without any technical knowledge.

The Card Table Menu Cover The Card Table Menu Inside